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From time to time I write articles and guides. Some of these are listed below. Email me at jim@jimedmonson.com.

This document describes the steps necessary to implement an effective communication plan including the content of information for each method of delivery.  Everything is covered from weekly, monthly, and quarterly updates to annual reports; electronic and print.

Also included is a section on communicating with staff and a list of the right organizational performance indicators to track and report.

This guide walks you through the creation of a policy and steps to implement an evaluation process, create performance standards, and prepare a monitoring and compliance methodology.  The steps outlined in this guide  complies with the recommendations of the Government Finance Officers Association.

A great one page handout with helpful links that entrepreneurs and your staff will find useful.  Great front desk material and give-a-way for the most basic of business start-up questions...How do I start a business?  With permission, you can copy the document as many times as you like.

A simple and quick method to prepare and present your organization's strategic plan.  The process and layout includes: vision and mission statements; key objectives; and action items.

This guide walks you through, section-by-section, the preparation of the plan.  Answer the questions, complete the financial templates, and your plan is ready to go!